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Inspiring Testimonials

I am eternally grateful for the peace & harmony I have found in my heart & mind. I never understood why things would aggravate me, upset me, or where my anger derived from - I always thought it was my "character". I never knew how much control I could actually have over every emotion I had until I found Cristian. He is a wonderful teacher! He is a beautiful person with a even more beautiful soul. I fed off of his energy & tranquility & I am a better person today after knowing him & his talents. I wouldn't call it a talent because I truly believe he is a special angel sent from the heavens above to heal our souls & boy did he heal mine I learned how to understand stand the "why" & most importantly the root cause of these emotions.

I have never been an angry person but I was a person who people would consider a "bad bitch". I thought & still am an independent woman who is educated, non tolerating of "bad behavior" - I would break up with men & disregard them as soon as I saw behavior I did not approve of. I also wouldn't let anyone ever "disrespect" me. To a certain extent I am still this person however EXTREMELY humbled by meditation. I no longer get upset at the smallest things nor do I dispose of people like I use too. I now know I was looking for love that was already in me. This confident "bad bitch" was lacking self love.

Through this meditation process I have learned to deal with pain & sorrow I thought I had overcome or simply never knew it was even an issue. These issues are what created this so called "character" who is not me. It was fear disguised & boy did it have a good disguise.

This is a SMALL example of this program & how I benefited from this meditation process & it's even smaller example of the peace of mind I now have.

I love Cristhian VERY much & will hold him in my heart for the rest of my life.

Thank you."

-Robin Torres.  Nov. 2016

I had always thought of myself as a “wonder woman”; a woman who would take care of everyone around me and who would solve every problem for friends and family!  I was the strong and unbreakable woman that had no right to break down out of fear of making others feel bad.  These are just some of the roles I used to take upon.


I spent four years with unbearable pain throughout my body and a sudden substantial weight loss that led to undernourishment.  I visited a lot of doctors and specialists who did countless tests that would always turn out, thanks to God, to be normal.  And even though every test said everything was “okay”, I still saw no improvement in my health.  There were times when I felt so bad that I thought I would not make it to the next day.


Nine months ago I met my GREAT spiritual master, my guide and my eternal light, Cristhian.  And from that point on, everything within me has changed considerably.  First of all, I learned to love and value myself.  I realized that under my husband, kids, siblings, order, house chores, and all the tasks and feats of “super woman” was the real me calling for help.  Cristhian helped me understand that even though everything I did was done with love and care I had gradually allowed all those responsibilities to overwhelm me, and suddenly I was just looking at everyone living their lives with no life of my own to live.   Cristhian, with all his love, guidance, dedication, and vocation to share the wisdom has been my magic medicine.  He has taught me how to rescue that beautiful and confident woman that I had abandoned through facing my guilt and learning to tell myself that I’m there for MYSELF FIRST. I’ve learned that this does not make me egotistical because by caring for myself, I can share more with others.  I now know that my life is a precious stone and that I am the only one that can polish it so that it will shine or let it go dull and dark forever.


Thank you.

-Guadalupe Sanchez.  Nov. 2016


609 Arizona Ave Ste. 4

El Paso, TX  79902


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