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Choose to be happy!

When we wake up in the morning and something "bad" happens as we're getting ready to take on our day, we have the option to decide whether that event will simply be an experience or something that will affect the rest of our day.

How often do we find ourselves expressing how bad of a day we're having just because of something small that happened hours ago? Perhaps you woke up late and didn't have enough time to go through your morning ritual. Maybe someone cut you off in traffic on your way to work. Maybe you heard something you don't agree with on the morning show. Can you accept that we tend to give those tiny things the power to "ruin" our day?

We have the power to change how we feel, and yet we give that power to outside things. Let's begin to take charge of our emotional state! As you go through your day, think of events simply as experiences, small bumps on the road that provide you with an opportunity to observe and correct your emotional state. Embrace your experiences, allow yourself to feel whatever emotion might rise, breathe, and let go. On to the next!

Today I'm choosing to be happy! Will you?


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